We are looking to appoint suitably-qualified consultants who can work with our Senior Executive Team to develop a Local Industrial Strategy, which will provide a long-term, ambitious vision for growth (based on robust evidence) to raise productivity and earning power and increased co-operation between national government, the private sector, local leadership and key institutions in Oxfordshire.
The LIS will build on the Oxfordshire Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) and provide a framework to guide Government, public and private sector investment decisions including the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, Sector Deals, Industrial Strategy Challenge Funding and other funds and financing tools to be used to deliver the strategy.
We anticipate this will include better and more efficient use of existing resources, utilisation of tax and equity measures and improved connections into key private investment funds alongside conventional public and government levered funds.
It will be essential to build on and understand related strategies and documents including:
- Oxfordshire Science & Innovation Audit
- Oxfordshire Infrastructure Strategy
- The emerging Oxfordshire Energy Strategy (to be shared with successful supplier)
- National Infrastructure Commission Study into the Oxford-Cambridge Corridor and Government response
We would expect consultants to look closely at these documents and the supporting evidence base in order to frame the vision and the supporting case within the LIS. In addition to this, key strategies for skills and innovation which underpin and have been produced in support of the original SEPs will also need to be reviewed and considered. We would also expect suppliers to demonstrate a deep understanding of the objectives of the Industrial Strategy White Paper, emerging sector deals and international investment markets
To support potential consultants, we will be holding a supplier briefing event at Oxford Town Hall on 27 March - if you are interested in submitting a response to our request, we would welcome your attendance at this event.