Innovation Strategy
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Our innovation strategy seeks to build on the county’s world-class innovation credentials by inspiring further investment and accelerating delivery of innovation-led economic growth.
Download our current Innovation Strategy
We were also a key contributor to the Oxfordshire Transformative Technology Alliance's science and innovation audit (launched in September 2017) which identified quantum computers, autonomous vehicles, digital health and space and satellites as key strengths of Oxfordshire’s science and innovation ecosystem.
The audit says Oxfordshire could play a major global role in driving forward the UK economy through these four transformative technologies – which, if fully-utilised, could be worth in the region of £180billion to the UK by 2030, around six per cent of the global economy in these technologies.
The group of partners and collaborators that contributed to the audit included representatives from industry, local government and academia.
A Strategic Advisory Board advised on such aspects as models of the development of the technologies, economic potential and how the audit can yield greatest evidence-based benefit and value.
Download the Oxfordshire Science and Innovation Audit - September 2017
Download the Oxfordshire Science and Innovation Audit summary - September 2017