Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLEP) requires a supplier to deliver consultancy support to design/deliver a series of grant schemes.
The initial contract value is up to £80,000 for a period of 18 months. However, OxLEP reserve the right to increase the contract value and term may be increased should more funding become available.
All grant schemes are dependant of funding which is yet to be confirmed; however, the two grant schemes which have been confirmed are:
- Cherwell Business Adaption Fund (CBAF): OxLEP is administering CBAF, which is funded through the Government’s Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) round two, which provides local councils with grant funding to support businesses impacted by Coronavirus restrictions, and that may or may not be in the business rates system. CBAF grants will be available to existing businesses which have been trading within the Cherwell area for at least one full financial year.
- Visitor Economy Renaissance Programme Innovation Fund (VERPIF): VERPIF will enable businesses within the Visitor Economy in Oxfordshire to adopt new business models, invest in new technology solutions, build an improved digital presence to rebuild market share and attract new customers, develop new activities in new areas and seize new opportunities that will restore employment and secure jobs. These grants will be available to businesses who can demonstrate that they are operating within the visitor economy, with a primary function in one of the following sectors: tourism, culture, arts, leisure, events, or hospitality and that the applicant business fulfils the necessary criteria and conditions in the fund documents.
More details on these grant schemes, and more detailed information on the Request, can be found in the documents below.
The closing date for submissions is Monday 4 April at 5pm.
Relevant documents:
Cherwell ARG Grant Scheme Guidance
Visitor Economy Renaissance Programme Innovation Fund: Overview