
Over the past 12 months, we have continued to lead the way by listening, adapting and delivering support programmes for our business community that has helped them to remain resilient, productive and even diversify their delivery.

Above: Completed in 2021, the Science Vale Cycle Network Improvements project has seen a major uplift in the standard of pedestrian and cycle routes across the south of Oxfordshire, better linking science and business parks, towns and railway stations. We secured £5.1 million-worth of investment for the project via the Government's Local Growth Fund.

From our Growth Hub's portfolio of leading business support activities through to our OxLEP Skills team leading on the convening of thousands of young people at our annual CareersFest conference, inspiring young people to understand their future career options, we consistently provide a sustained programme of support for thousands of businesses, communities, education providers and many more groups from across the county – particularly welcome interventions at a time of economic difficulty.

We continue to be the lead organisation in bringing together Oxfordshire's business community, ensuring their voice is heard as part of future economic development discussions. Our evolving Strategic Economic Plan is evidence of this, set to encourage pervasive innovation amongst our businesses and widening access to current opportunities and equipping people and places, as jobs change over the next decade.

We have also led the way in securing major investment for Oxfordshire too, via our £107.5m government allocation of Local Growth Fund backing.

This investment is now providing major outputs and outcomes and by 2030, all Local Growth Fund projects will have collectively led to the creation of 9,700 new jobs, help the development of 1,800 new homes and enable at least another £850m of funding.

Take a look at how we have achieved this ...

£850m of further funding leveraged via our Local Growth Fund
780 businesses in total supported during the lifetime of our Innovation Support for Business (ISfB) programme
51% of businesses supported by our ERDF-funded eScalate programme had female leaders, way above the national average
6,000 jobs created or safeguarded via OxLEP's inward investment activity since 2017
£660,000 worth of investment directed into Oxfordshire tourism via our Visitor Economy Grant Scheme

“We can genuinely say that without our work, many businesses in Oxfordshire would have found the major recent challenges, brought by issues such as Covid-19, significantly harder to deal with effectively.”

Helen Brind – Growth Hub Manager, OxLEP

Just how we have led the way...

We are privileged to work with so many Oxfordshire businesses, of all shapes and sizes, supporting them on their own unique set of of journeys.

It is our aim to simplify the business support landscape and help individuals and businesses to easily connect offering prompt, friendly, impartial advice and signposting them to the right support suited to the situation they face.

We take a positive approach in understanding what each business is looking for, whether that be growth, recruitment, diversification or building a talent pipeline.

Of course, our support is multi-faceted and encompasses many different areas through our Growth Hub, Skills Hub and inward investment programme.

It's this flexibility in approach that supports us to create a substantial offer to businesses who work with us from right across Oxfordshire and beyond.

By leading the way across multiple areas, our work leads to impact.

Take a look at some of the programmes and activity we have led on, from annual event that convened dozens of Oxfordshire businesses, through to community employment plans, plus inspiring tomorrow's generation of young talent at our CareersFest event.