OxLEP Skills Webinar
OxLEP Skills, in partnership with The Careers & Enterprise Company and LearnLive, are bringing together local businesses to take part in a webinar to help young people in years 11, 12 & 13 better understand their career options and the essential skills employers are looking for – sometimes referred to as employability or transferrable skills. They are a set of skills that virtually every job requires and which more and more employers are asking for.
With the impact of COVID-19, these essential skills are more important now than ever before as businesses look to recruit young people who can adapt to changing business needs and economies.
With a key focus on the 8 essential skills of Listening, Speaking, Problem Solving, Creativity, Staying Positive, Aiming High, Leadership and Teamwork, businesses taking part in the webinar will talk about their sector/industry, the roles within it and the part these skills play in how they recruit young people. We will also look at Pathways Post 16 including Apprenticeships and Traineeships along with Higher Education routes.
There will be the opportunity for students/parents/teachers/careers leaders to put questions to each business or organisation via a live chat during the webinar.