

Please take a look at our range of publications, helping you to understand the role and impact we make as the Local Enterprise Partnership for Oxfordshire.

Strategic Economic Plan:

Independent Economic Review (IER) and Strategic Economic Plan 2023 Evidence Base

In January 2023, OxLEP commissioned SQW – working with Oxford Brookes Business School and – to prepare a refreshed Strategic Economic Plan for Oxfordshire.

To support its development an Independent Economic Review (IER) for Oxfordshire was also launched. Most economic strategies are founded on baseline evidence, but OxLEP and the consultancy team considered that a richer and broader approach was also needed which involved extensive consultation and engagement, as well as a fresh look at data.

Early on, a scoping exercise identified four critical issues for the county, each of which potentially has transformational and long-term implications:

  • How do we enable progression within Oxfordshire and achieve more inclusive economic growth?
  • How do we advance net zero and sustainability in shaping future economic growth?
  • How do we secure the future of the ‘foundational economy’ within Oxfordshire?
  • Recognising Oxfordshire’s world class strengths, how do we accelerate innovation and diffusion – both within Oxfordshire and across the UK?

These questions were configured into ‘deep dives’ – a focus for gathering data and insights – and they have played a key role in shaping the process of the IER.

The IER and Evidence Base has subsequently involved:

  • A call for evidence – which generated submissions from stakeholders across Oxfordshire and was structured to map onto the deep dives.
  • Six workshops, which were held in Spring 2023. These were well-attended and the early workshops focused specifically on key areas of evidence in relation to each of the deep dives.
  • Bilateral discussions, focusing especially on the four deep dives.
  • A broader review of key evidence and literature, in part structured by the deep dives, but also in relation to more general trends and drivers.

This process has led to various outputs (below), all of which have informed the 2023 Strategic Economic Plan.

DOWNLOAD: The Strategic Economic Plan Action Plan – June 2024

DOWNLOAD: The Strategic Economic Plan – December 2023

0 Overview of the Independent Economic Review and the evidence base underpinning the SEP  1 Call for evidence report

2 Socio-economic baseline  3 Economic projections  4 Deep Dive Report: Progression & Inclusive Growth 

5 Deep Dive Report: Net Zero and Sustainability   6 Deep Dive Report: Oxfordshire's Foundational Economy  

7 Deep Dive Report: Innovation and Diffusion   8 Method Note and Supporting Information  

9 Exploring Scenarios: Workshop Report

10 Strategy and Action Plan: Workshop Report  11 List of organisations consulted during development of evidence base

Business plans:

Archived plans:

Download our business plan, 2019 to 2021   Download our business plan, 2019 to 2021: ANNEXE 1

Download our business plan, 2016 to 2019   Download our business plan, 2016 to 2019: ANNEXE 1

Audited annual accounts:

Current audited accounts:

Download our audited accounts: 2021/2022

Archived audited accounts: 

Download our audited accounts: 2020/2021

Download our audited accounts: 2019/2020

Download our audited accounts: 2018/2019    Download our audited accounts: 2017/2018 

Download our audited accounts: 2016/2017    Download our audited accounts: 2015/2016

Annual reports and impact reports:

Current annual report:

Review our 2022/2023 activity   Read our latest impact report

Archived annual reports and impact reports:

Review our 2021/2022 activity

Review our 2020/2021 activity    Review our 2020/2021 impact report

Review our 2019/2020 activity    Download our annual report: 2018/2019   

Download our annual report: 2017/2018   Download our annual report: 2016/2017    

Download our annual report: 2015/2016   Download our progress report: 2011 to 2015

Corporate plan:

View our Corporate Plan for 2022 to 2024

Delivery plan:

View our Delivery Plan for 2022/23

Economic Recovery Plan:

Download: Oxfordshire's Economic Recovery Plan (action plan)    

Download: Oxfordshire’s Economic Recovery Plan (economic baseline assessment)    

Download: Economic Baseline Addendum – Updated Forecasts April 2021


Download our current governance structure (January 2021) 


Download our Internationalisation Delivery Plan to 2025

Local Industrial Strategy and Energy Strategy:

Download the Oxfordshire Local Industrial Strategy    Download: 'Oxfordshire Local Industrial Strategy - A brief overview'

Download: The Oxfordshire Investment Plan    Download: 'Oxfordshire Energy Strategy - A brief overview'

Download: 'Pathways to a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire'   Download: 'Pathways to a Zero Carbon Oxfordshire' summary

Local Skills Report and Plan:

Download the OxLEP Local Skills Report and Plan March 2022

Download the OxLEP 2022 Local Skills Report and Plan Annex A and B

Download the OxLEP 2022 Local Skills Report and Plan Executive Summary

We commissioned a data review and report on the skills, employment and enterprise of Oxfordshire’s ethnic minority communities in order to inform the Local Skills Report and Plan. You can download the full report, a summary of key findings and bitesize version below.

Download the full skills, employment and enterprise of Oxfordshire’s Ethnic Minority Communities Report

Download a summary of key findings from the report

Download a bite-size version of the report

The 2021 Local Skills Report and Plan and Annexes are also available to download below:

Download our 2021 Local Skills Report and Plan 

Download our 2021 Local Skills Report and Plan Annex A and B


Visit our 'Sectors' section for the latest publications

Other strategies:

Download our Strategic Economic Plan 2016 (SEP)    Download our Creative, Cultural, Heritage and Tourism Strategy 

Download our Environmental Strategy    Download our Innovation Strategy 

Download our Skills Strategy    Download the Oxfordshire Science Innovation Audit: Full report

Download the Oxfordshire Science Innovations Audit: Summary   

Download the Oxfordshire European Structural Investment Fund Strategy 

Download the Culture and Visitor Economy Sub-group 'Arts and Culture Strategic Framework'    

Visitor economy:

Aligned with the desire to develop a vision and action plan for the visitor economy in Oxfordshire, the following publication has been developed, supported by a baseline report:

DOWNLOAD: Oxfordshire Visitor Economy Vision and Destination Management Plan 2023-2028

DOWNLOAD: Oxfordshire Visitor Economy Vision and Destination Management Plan: Baseline Report

Other publications:

DOWNLOAD: 'Growing business visits and events in Oxfordshire' 2019

DOWNLOAD: 'Business Visitor Economy Study' 2019

Capital Programmes reporting:

View our latest LGF Delivery Plan